- 1-479-253-5384
- 15751 Hwy 62 West or P.O. Box 657 Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632
- Monday-Friday 9am - 5pm
Eureka Springs School of the Arts – Lodging Recommendations
10% discounts when you mention ESSA
Eureka Zen – offers 8 locations – please see their website for more information eurekazen.com
Peaceful Cottages in the Heart of Eureka Springs
https://www.eurekazen.com/ 479-363-4394
Green Tree Lodge: 560 W. Van Buren; approx. 6 miles from ESSA
www.greentreelodge.com 479-981-1076
Pointe West Motel & Resort: 11882 AR 187, Eureka Springs, AR 72632
https://pointewestmotel.com/ 479-253-9050
KOA 15020 Hwy 187 South, Eureka Springs, AR 72632
https://koa.com/campgrounds/eureka-springs/ 479-253-8036
Kettle Campground 4119 E. Van Buren Ave (not to be compounded with other discounts)
https://www.kettlecampground.net/ 479-253-9100
Cottages Uptown – small cottage on upper loop. Pet Friendly. Sleeps 2. 2 night minimum stay
https://www.cottageseureka.com/ 479-244-0429
Dragonfly Mountain Lodge 3 CR 332, Eureka Springs, AR 72632
https://dragonflymountain.net/ 479-244-5678
Iris Hill Glamping 1028 CR 317, Eureka Springs, AR 72632
https://irishillglamping.com/ 303-733-3592
Eureka Sunset Lodge & Cabins: 479-253-9565